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1.Xiu Liu(第一作者) Experimental study on properties of epoxy binder and epoxy bonding chips layer for steel bridge deck pavement[J] Road Materials and Pavement Design.2021.9.( SCI收錄号:000697425000001 JCR分區:Q2,影響因子:3.805DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2021.1976257)

2.Xiu Liu(第一作者) Experimental study on interlayer shear properties of ERS pavement system for long-span steel bridges[J] CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS.2017,143:198-209.( SCI收錄号:000401042400018JCR分區:Q1,影響因子7.693DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.03.144,被引17)

3. Xiu Liu(第一作者)Investigation on the bending fatigue and shear failure in steel bridge deck pavement system[J] Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 2016,44(2):895-906.(SCI收錄号:000373912200021JCR分區:Q3,影響因子:1.333DOI: 10.1520/JTE20150236,被引3)

4. Xiu Liu,(第一作者) Influence of moisture in aggregates on properties of cold-mixed resin asphalt mixture [J]. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS .2016,120:232-240. (SCI收錄号:000380084100025JCR分區:Q1,影響因子7.693DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.113,被引10)

5. Xiu Liu(第一作者). Cold area asphalt concrete deck pavement technology research [J]. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. March 2016,13(3)2039-2042.(SCI檢索,JCR分區:4區,影響因子1.343DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1166/jctn.2016.5152)

6.Liu Xiu(第一作者)The research of durability of asphalt concrete bridge deck with little polyester fiber

content in cold regions[J] Key Engineering Materials.2020,7(EI收錄号:20203209013115,doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.852.41)

7. Liu Xiu(第一作者)Cold Area Asphalt Concrete Deck Pavement Technology Research[J] Materials Science Forum.2020.3EI收錄号:20201432301311doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.980.239

8. 劉秀(第一作者), 基于熵權物元可拓模型的路塹邊坡安全性評價[J]. 公路交通科技,2022,3911:49-55.

9. 劉秀(通訊作者). 寒區隧道圍岩溫度場變化規律及防凍保溫分析[J].公路,2018,55):326-331.

10. 劉秀(第一作者). 高海拔寒區隧道保溫防凍系統設計要點分析[J].山東理工大學學報,2018,322):31-35.

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