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1. Yan Liu, Rushdi Alsaleh, Tarek Sayed. Modeling the influence of mobile phone use distraction on pedestrian reaction times to green signals: A multilevel mixed-effects parametric survival model. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2021, 81, 115-129. (SSCI檢索, JCR Q2, IF=4.349)

2. Yan Liu, Rushdi Alsaleh, Tarek Sayed. Modeling lateral interactions between motorized vehicles and non motorized vehicles in mixed traffic using accelerated failure duration model. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2022, 18:3, 910-933. (SCI檢索, JCR Q2, IF=3.277)

3. Yan Liu, Rushdi Alsaleh, Tarek Sayed. Modeling pedestrian temporal violations at signalized crosswalks: A random intercept parametric survival model. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2022, 2676(6), 707-720. (SCI檢索, Q3, IF=2.019)

4. Yan Liu, Chuanyun Fu, Wei Wang. Modeling duration of overtaking between non-motorized vehicles: A nonparametric survival analysis based approach. PloS ONE, 2021, 16(1), e0244883. (SCI檢索, JCR Q2, IF=3.752)

5. 劉岩, 付川雲, 王炜. 基于貝葉斯Logistic模型的非機動車對機動車幹擾行為研究. 安全與環境學報, 2020, 20(6): 2045-2051. (CSCD核心)

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